Reference | P/59/24/DOC |
Status | Approve |
Proposal | Approval of details reserved by condition imposed under P/140/16/OUT relating to condition 30- management and maintenance for adjacent Pagham Harbour SPA Enhancement land. |
Location | Land West of Pagham Road and South of Summer Lane Pagham |
Parish | Pagham |
Case Officer | Jessica Riches |
Received | 28-06-24 |
Validated | 01-07-24 |
Decision By | 26-08-24 |
Target Cmte | 13-11-24 |
Decided | 07-01-25 |
Applicant | Northgate Properties Ltd C/O Ridge and Partners LLP 3rd Floor Regents House 65 Rodney Road Cheltenham GL50 1HX |
Agent | Ridge and Partners LLP 3rd floor, Regent House 65 Rodney Road Cheltenham GL50 1HX |