Reference | LU/121/17/RES |
Status | ApproveConditionally |
Proposal | Approval of reserved matters following outline consent LU/47/11/ for construction of 126 No. dwellings together with internal road network, car parking & landscaping. |
Location | Land North of Toddington Lane Parcel C1 & part Parcels B2, B4 & C2 Littlehampton BN17 7PP |
Parish | Littlehampton |
Case Officer | Michael Eastham |
Received | 03-04-17 |
Validated | 19-04-17 |
Decision By | 20-12-17 |
Comment By | 19-10-17 |
Decided | 20-12-17 |
Applicant | Persimmon Homes Thames Valley Persimmon House Knoll Road Camberley Surrey GU15 3TQ |
Agent | Persimmon Homes Thames Valley Persimmon House Knoll Road Camberley Surrey GU15 3TQ |