Reference | BE/57/22/PL |
Status | App Cond with S106 |
Proposal | Erection of 6 No. 2-storey dwellings consisting of 2 No 2 bed units & 4 No 3 bed units, access, parking, cycle storage, bin store and other associated landscape works (resubmission following BE/104/21/PL). This site is in CIL Zone 4 & is CIL Liable as new dwellings. |
Location | Land adjacent to Tesco Express 351 Chichester Road Bersted PO21 5AN |
Parish | Bersted |
Case Officer | Ms M Tomalova |
Received | 01-06-22 |
Validated | 21-06-22 |
Decision By | 03-10-22 |
Comment By | 20-09-22 |
Target Cmte | 28-09-22 |
Decided | 03-10-22 |
Applicant | Mr Jonathan Phillips 61 High Street Fareham PO16 7BG |
Agent | Novium Architects Noviun Architects Corn Exchange Baffins Lane Chichester PO19 1BF |