Reference | BE/16/24/DOC |
Status | DOC Approved |
Proposal | Approval of details reserved by condition imposed under BE/150/22/OUT relating to conditions 9-contamination risk and 14-archaeological works. |
Location | Land at Oldlands Farm Newlands Road Bognor Regis PO22 9NN |
Parish | Bersted |
Case Officer | Mr D Easton |
Received | 07-02-24 |
Validated | 08-02-24 |
Decision By | 04-04-24 |
Decided | 24-04-24 |
Applicant | Hanbury Properties 17 Northgate Chichester PO19 1BJ |
Agent | Hanbury Properties 17 Northgate Station Road Chichester PO19 1BJ |