Reference | AL/31/22/PL |
Status | App Cond with S106 |
Proposal | Demolition of existing building and erection of 4 no. houses with associated access, landscaping, parking and associated works. This site falls within Strategic Site SD5, CIL Zone 1 (zero rated). |
Location | Ryefields Farmhouse Oak Tree Lane Woodgate PO20 3GU |
Parish | Aldingbourne |
Case Officer | Jessica Riches |
Received | 03-03-22 |
Validated | 13-04-22 |
Decision By | 17-11-23 |
Comment By | 25-08-22 |
Target Cmte | 11-01-23 |
Decided | 17-11-23 |
Applicant | Domusea Development Ltd c/o Smith Simmons & Partners 32 North Street Chichester |
Agent | Smith Simmons & Partners 32 North Street Chichester PO19 1LX |