Reference | WA/67/14/DOC |
Status | DOC Approved |
Proposal | Application for approval of matters reserved by conditions imposed under WA/75/12 relating to conditions 3, 5 & 7 - external walls, travel plan & details of surface & provision for bats/owls habitats |
Location | Land adj to The Village Hall The Street Walberton BN18 0PG |
Parish | Walberton |
Case Officer | Mrs A Gardner |
Received | 06-11-14 |
Validated | 10-12-14 |
Decision By | 04-02-15 |
Decided | 27-01-15 |
Applicant | Mrs S Waights Walberton Community Playcentre Hollytree Cottage The Street Walberton BN18 0PH |
Agent | Martin Sewell Builing Company Hungerdown Brittens Lane Fontwell Arundel BN18 0ST |