Proposal | Outline application for the erection of up to 300 dwellings & ancillary development comprising open space, a building within use class D1 (Non- Residential Institutions) of up to 875 square metres net, a building for A1 (Shops) use having a floor area of up to 530 sq. metres net, together with open space & ancillary works, including car parking & drainage arrangements, with appearance, landscaping, layout & scale wholly reserved for subsequent approval. The access detail, showing the points of access to the development, & indicated on Bellamy Roberts drawings numbered 4724/004 & 4724/005 are access proposals to be determined at this stage of the application. For the avoidance of doubt all other access detail within the site is to be determined as a reserved matter at a later stage. This application is a Departure from the Development Plan & affects the setting of Listed Buildings. |