Appeal | 2686 |
Application | WA/35/23/OUT |
DETR Ref | APP/C3810/W/24/3349836 |
Lodged | 18-11-24 |
Started | 18-11-24 |
Proposal | Outline Planning Application for up to 95 no. residential dwellings (including 30% affordable), with all matters reserved apart from access. This application is a Departure from the Development Plan. |
Location | Land East of Wandleys Lane Fontwell |
Appellant | Welbeck Strategic Land II LLP C/O ECE Planning 64-68 Brighton Road BN112EN |
Agent | ECE Planning Ltd 64-68 Brighton Road Worthing BN112EN |
Officer | Mr S Davis |
Type | Planning Refusal |
Procedure | Informal Hearing |
Decision Type | |
Decision Date | |