Appeal | 2676 |
Application | FG/62/24/PL |
DETR Ref | APP/C3810/W/24/3351571 |
Lodged | 15-10-24 |
Started | 15-10-24 |
Proposal | Existing dwelling to be altered and reduced in footprint. Erection of 1 No. new detached dwelling. This application is in CIL zone 4 and is CIL liable as a new dwelling. |
Location | Paddock House 44 Ferringham Lane Ferring BN12 5LU |
Appellant | Mr S Salvidge 44 e Ferringham Lane Ferring BN12 5LU |
Agent | Crowley Associates Ltd The Workshop 28 Kenwood Park Road S7 1NF |
Officer | Miss K Welch |
Type | Planning Refusal |
Procedure | Written Reps |
Decision Type | Allowed+Conditions |
Decision Date | 03-03-25 |