Appeal | 2594 |
Application | WA/39/22/PL |
DETR Ref | APP/C3810/W/22/3310331 |
Lodged | 24-03-23 |
Started | 24-03-23 |
Proposal | Continuation of use of land for the stationing of 14 No agricultural workers caravans for a temporary period of 3 years (resubmission following WA/3/21/PL). This site is in CIL Zone 3 (Zero Rated) as other development. |
Location | Cherry Tree Nursery Eastergate Lane Walberton BN18 0BA |
Appellant | Mr J Cole Cherry Tree Nursery Eastergate Lane BN18 0BA |
Agent | Mr S Jupp PO Box 839 Chichester PO19 9XQ |
Officer | Mr S Davis |
Type | Planning Refusal |
Procedure | Written Reps |
Decision Type | Allowed+Conditions |
Decision Date | 08-08-23 |