Appeal | 2582 |
Application | WA/2/22/OUT |
DETR Ref | APP/C3810/W/22/3309365 |
Lodged | 22-11-22 |
Started | 22-11-22 |
Proposal | Outline planning application with all matters reserved, other than means of access, for the construction of up to 48 dwellings (30% affordable homes) and dental/doctors' surgery (Use Class E (e)). (This application may affect the setting of a listed building & may affect the Walberton Village Conservation Area). |
Location | Land West Of Yapton Lane Walberton |
Appellant | LandQuest UK (Southern) Ltd 24 Picton House Waterlooville PO7 7SQ |
Agent | Henry Adams LLP Rowan House Baffins Lane PO19 1UA |
Officer | Mr J Baeza |
Type | Planning Refusal |
Procedure | Public Inquiry |
Date/Time | 28-02-23 10:00 No. of Days 4 |
Decision Type | Allowed+Conditions |
Decision Date | 05-04-23 |