DETR RefAPP/C3810/W/22/3301932
ProposalErection of 167 No new homes in a mix of 1-4 bedroom properties (2-4 bedroom homes and 1 bedroom apartments), with associated landscaping, parking, open space, play areas, construction of a new vehicular access from Golfers Lane and all other associated development works (resubmission following A/129/21/PL). This application is a Departure from the Development Plan and is in CIL Zone 3 and is CIL Liable as new dwellings.
LocationRustington Golf Centre Golfers Lane Angmering BN16 4NB
AppellantBarratt David Wilson (BDW) Homes c/o Strutt and Parker 215-217 High Street GU1 3BJ
AgentStrutt and Parker 215-217 High Street Guildford GU1 3BJ
OfficerMr J Baeza
TypePlanning Non Determ
ProcedurePublic Inquiry
Date/Time06-09-22 10:00     No. of Days 8
Decision TypeAllowed+Conditions
Decision Date21-10-22