DETR RefAPP/C3810/W/20/3264847
ProposalPart change of use from a 32-bed nursing home (C2 Residential Institutions) to a 38-bedsit House in Multiple Occupation (sui generis) comprising 24 No single person & 14 No two-person bedsits along with separate shower rooms & wcs, demolition of rear conservatory & store & erection of single storey rear extension & with minor external alterations to side elevations & insertion of 4 No roof lights on rear elevation & insertion of dormer window serving Room 38 (as detailed in amended plans dated 30 April 2020).
LocationAldwick House Care Home 41-45 Nyewood Lane Bognor Regis PO21 2SJ
AppellantGatwick Bedsits Ltd 132 High Street Esher KT10 9QT
AgentTim North & Associates Ltd 17A Reading Road Pangbourne RG8 7LR
OfficerMr S Davis
TypePlanning Refusal
ProcedureInformal Hearing
Date/Time07-02-23 10:00     No. of Days 1
Decision TypeAllowed+Conditions
Decision Date06-03-23