Appeal | 2378 |
Application | LU/162/17/PL |
DETR Ref | APP/C3810/W/18/3197149 |
Lodged | 02-03-18 |
Started | 04-09-18 |
Proposal | Demolition of existing building, erection of 10 residential dwellings (Use Class C3) with associated open space, landscaping, parking, and access. Departure from the Development Plan. |
Location | Land North & West of Toddington Farm Cottages Toddington Lane Wick BN17 7PP |
Appellant | BB Investments Property Ltd 38A Third Avenue Worthing BN14 9NZ |
Agent | Miss Brittany Williams 51 Great Marlborough Street London W1F 7JT |
Officer | Mrs A Gardner |
Type | Planning Refusal |
Procedure | Written Reps |
Decision Type | Allowed+Conditions |
Decision Date | 07-01-19 |