DETR RefAPP/C3810/W/17/3187601
ProposalOutline application for the erection of up to 300 dwellings & ancillary development comprising open space, a building within use class D1 (Non- Residential Institutions) of up to 875 square metres net, a building for A1 (Shops) use having a floor area of up to 530 sq. metres net, together with open space & ancillary works, including car parking & drainage arrangements, with appearance, landscaping, layout & scale wholly reserved for subsequent approval. The access detail, showing the points of access to the development, & indicated on Bellamy Roberts drawings numbered 4724/004 & 4724/005 are access proposals to be determined at this stage of the application. For the avoidance of doubt all other access detail within the site is to be determined as a reserved matter at a later stage. This application is a Departure from the Development Plan & affects the setting of Listed Buildings.
LocationLand West of Church Lane & South of Horsemere Green Lane Climping
AppellantMulgrave Properties LLP Hawk Creative Business Park Hawkhills Estate YO61 3FE
AgentParker Dann LLP Suite S10 Waterside Business Centre BN7 2PE
OfficerClaire Potts
TypePlanning Refusal
ProcedurePublic Inquiry
Date/Time10-07-18 10:00     No. of Days 4
Decision TypeAllowed+Conditions
Decision Date28-09-18