Appeal | 2327 |
Application | BE/77/16/OUT |
DETR Ref | APP/C3810/V/17/3166900 |
Lodged | 09-01-17 |
Started | 09-01-17 |
Proposal | Outline application with all matters reserved for up to 50 residential units, landscaping, amenity space, car & cycle parking, roads, service & drainage infrastructure & other associated works. Departure from the Development plan. |
Location | Land West of New Barn Lane Bersted |
Appellant | Church Commissioners for England C/O Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners 14 Regents Wharf N1 9RL |
Agent | Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners 14 Regents Wharf All Saints Street N1 9RL |
Officer | Mr D Innes |
Type | Called in by SoS |
Procedure | Public Inquiry |
Date/Time | 26-09-17 10:00 No. of Days 2 |
Decision Type | Allowed+Conditions |
Decision Date | 12-02-18 |