DETR RefAPP/C3810/V/16/3143095
ProposalOutline application with some matters reserved to provide up to 400 No. new dwellings, up to 500 sqm of non-residential floorspace (A1, A2. A3, D1 and/or D2), 5000 sqm of light industrial floorspace (B1 (b)/(c)) & associated works including access, internal road network, highway works, landscaping, selected tree removal, informal & formal open space & play areas, pedestrian & cyclist infrastructure utilities, drainage infrastructure, car & cycle parking & waste storage. This application is a departure from the Development Plan & also lies within the parish of Eastergate.
LocationLand to the East of Fontwell Avenue Fontwell
AppellantFontwell Estates Ltd C/O Dandara and Global Technologies Racing KD Tower HP1 1FW
AgentFontwell Estates Ltd C/O Dandara and Global Technologies Racing KD Tower HP1 1FW
OfficerMr N Crowther
TypeCalled in by SoS
ProcedurePublic Inquiry
Date/Time01-11-16 10:00     No. of Days 4
Decision TypeAllowed+Conditions
Decision Date13-07-17