DETR RefAPP/C3810/A/14/2228260
ProposalOutline planning application with some matters reserved for 4.5 hectares of residential development comprising 3.4 hectares of land for up to 100 dwellings (up to 30 (30%) affordable housing) together with 1.1 hectares of land set aside for public open space and strategic landscaping and 2.2 hectares of public open space and green corridors with vehicular access from Ford Lane and pedestrian/cycle access only from North End Road. This application is a Departure from the Development Plan.
LocationLand to the south of Ford Lane East of North End Road Yapton
AppellantMr K Langmead C/O Strutt and Parker LLP 31 North Street PO19 1LY
AgentPhoenix Planning Consultancy Forum House Stirling Road PO19 7DN
OfficerMr N Crowther
TypePlanning Refusal
ProcedurePublic Inquiry
Date/Time07-07-15 10:00     No. of Days 4
Decision TypeDismissed
Decision Date13-09-16