Stay Well This Winter Advice Survey

Arun District Council produces a West Sussex version of the Government's 'Stay Well This Winter' guide on behalf of partner organisations within the county.

We are currently preparing the 2017-2018 guide and would like your feedback and suggestions.   You may find it helpful to refer to the current guide when answering our questions, a link to which can be found
here.  You can use the 'back' and 'next' buttons in this survey to review your responses.

The survey should take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Thank you in advance for your time.  Could you please respond by Monday 24th July?

And, as I mentioned in my email, please do forward this survey on to colleagues who either use this guide or give it to service users.

Catherine Geoghegan
West Sussex Fuel Poverty Co-ordinator

1. The content of the guide  (are we providing the right information?)

The 2016-2017 guide was split into four main sections.  The following questions ask you for you views on the length of each sub-section, the overall length of the guide, and relevance of the information provided.
Q1 Please provide your views on the length of each section of the current guide:
  "Too long"   "About right"   "Too short"   "Not sure"  
  Be prepared for the cold weather (pages 5-15) (covering: staying healthy this winter; living a healthy lifestyle; heating your home effectively and safely; Free Home Fire Safety Check)        

  Financial help to heat your home (pages 16-21) (covering: Winter Fuel Payment; Cold Weather Payment; Warm Home Discount scheme; Energy Company Obligation (ECO))        

  Paying for the energy you use (pages 22-28) (covering: change your energy tariff; compare and switch energy suppliers; what to do about fuel debt; energy trust funds; other sources of financial support; Priority Services Register)        

  Local help and advice (pages 29-35) (covering local organisations providing advice and support)        

  Contact details for advice organisations (pages 36-39)        

  Overall length of guide (40 pages)        

Thinking about your answers to Question 1 on the content of each section of the booklet:


2. The format of the guide (are we providing the information in the right way?)


3. About you

Q11 We would like to know which organisation you represent. This will help us to gauge if we need to provide different information for different audiences.  If you are willing to provide your name and contact details we will be able to keep you informed of any proposed changes and give you the opportunity to comment on these proposals.
Thank you very much for providing your views. Please click the submit button to return your response.
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