Reference | M/45/16/PL |
Status | ApproveConditionally |
Proposal | Demolition of redundant poultry farm buildings & dwelling & erection of 13 No. dwellings with associated access, car parking & landscaping. This application is a departure from the development plan |
Location | Land West of Yapton Road (Poultry Farm) Middleton-on Sea PO22 6DY |
Parish | Middleton |
Case Officer | Mrs A Gardner |
Received | 03-06-16 |
Validated | 03-06-16 |
Decision By | 03-02-17 |
Comment By | 21-07-16 |
Target Cmte | 01-02-17 |
Decided | 07-02-17 |
Applicant | West Sussex Council County c/o Strutt and Parker 201 High Street Lewes East Sussex BN7 2NR |
Agent | Strutt and Parker 201 High Street Lewes East Sussex BN7 2NR |