Reference | LU/45/16/PL |
Status | ApproveConditionally |
Proposal | 6 No. two bed & 3 No. one bed apartments with associated cycle & refuse storage |
Location | The Locomotive Inn 5 Terminus Road Littlehampton BN17 5BS |
Parish | Littlehampton |
Case Officer | Mrs A Gardner |
Received | 24-02-16 |
Validated | 24-02-16 |
Decision By | 20-05-16 |
Comment By | 31-03-16 |
Target Cmte | 18-05-16 |
Decided | 19-05-16 |
Applicant | Owlbay Estates London |
Agent | Mr J Bonner PLC Architects Lansdowne House 25-26 Hampshire Terrace Portsmouth PO1 2QF |