Reference | BE/122/10/ |
Status | App Cond with S106 |
Proposal | Erection of 373 dwellings, together with associated access, landscaping and engineering works, in substitution for details previously approved as reserved matters pursuant to outline planning permission BE/45/04 (representing an increase of 106 dwellings over that previously approved) - This application is accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment |
Location | Site 6 Chichester Road North Bersted |
Parish | Bersted |
Case Officer | Mr K Wheway |
Received | 11-10-10 |
Validated | 11-10-10 |
Decision By | 31-01-11 |
Comment By | 18-11-10 |
Target Cmte | 06-04-11 |
Decided | 28-09-11 |
Applicant | Berkeley Homes (Southern Ltd) Berkeley House Summers Place Stane Street Billingshurst RH14 9GN |
Agent | Bell Cornwell BP Oakview House Station Road Hook Hampshire RG27 9TP |