Reference | BE/113/17/RES |
Status | ApproveConditionally |
Proposal | Approval of reserved matters following outline consent BE/18/17/PL for appearance, landscaping, layout & scale for a mix of up to 90No. residential units, associated open space, landscaping, access & car parking |
Location | Land West of New Barn Lane Bersted |
Parish | Bersted |
Case Officer | Mr D Innes |
Received | 07-09-17 |
Validated | 11-09-17 |
Decision By | 12-12-17 |
Comment By | 23-11-17 |
Decided | 12-12-17 |
Applicant | Linden Homes South C/O Barton Willmore Suite 43 OVIC 4 Ocean Way Southampton SO14 3JZ |
Agent | Barton Willmore Suite 43 OVIC 4 Ocean Way Southampton SO14 3JZ |